
Artists often plan their work carefully. The planning of their work is called composition. To compose a picture, the artist has to first decide what the focal point, or the centre of the attention will be. This can be anywhere, but is often in the centre. Other objects in the picture draw the eyes towards it. Sometimes the focal point is the top (apex) of a triangle. The head of the most important figure might be at this apex, with less important figures at the bottom angles of the triangle, leading the eye to the focal point. Read more below.




Ian Roberts Art Instruction Video: Mastering Composition

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The Golden Rectangle is said to be one of the most visually satisfying of all geometric forms.



9 Steps to Creating Better Compositions

Great compositions don’t just happen by accident. They take planning, patience, and a knowledge of all the visual elements at your disposal. The great thing is, no matter how much or how little talent you have, you’ll always be able to improve your art by sketching out a good composition before you begin.



10 Top Photography Composition Rules

Yes, it says photography, but the rules are also applicable to painting and drawing too.