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Here's a list of short art prompts/projects that may be done in 1-3 sessions. (apologies: the list is not very descriptive. It's my personal brainstorm and I will elaborate on it when I find some time)
Rip out a page in a book and use a piece for a collage (or draw something over the page)
Layer paint with collage
Paint lines, shapes or dots with a tiny brush
Paint only with white paint
Using only a pencil, scribble and draw shapes. Try different leads.
Paint with a big brush and try a wash of colour
Stencil with a doily or another "nonstencil" type of item
Create a drawing in pencil or marker, then watercolour or ink certain areas with only 1 or 2 colours to show highlights and shadows. The photo example below drew from a magazine collage.
Zoom in on details of a flower with watercolour (O'Keefe inspired - use small sheets)
Model life drawing
Charcoal still life
Charcoal drawings of negative spaces
Animation with still images
Expressive portraits
2 point perspective using Skitch
Pink watercolour figures
Create a collage in 20 minutes. Then zone in on an area and recreate it with chalk pastels. Then recreate abstractly with oil pastels.
Frank Gehry architecture with cut/torn paper - design your perfect school
Team up a middle school or high school class with a kindergarten or grade 1 class. Ask the K students to draw a monster or superhero. Give these drawings to the MS/HS class to elaborate on. More examples here, but go directly to The Monster Engine site.
LearningIT BlogHere you will find various types of information regarding IT, the arts and learning in the 21st century. Most of the items you find here will hopefully help generate new and creative ideas for yourselves or your students.
The Carrot Revolutionis an art education weblog and a resource page for art educators, art students, and artists in the digital age. Our goal is to fight the tyranny of the ordinary and to liberate from the status quo.
Student Art GuideA New Zealand Art Teacher blog relating to IGCSE Art, but also worthy for IB Art students as well. Some great student work with process work as well.
Modern Art For Kidsa blog where PearMama shares her art lesson plans for elemenatry students.
Art Education 2.0Ning site for using New Technology in Art Classrooms
ARARTEAsia Region Art Educators a personal learning network for artists and teachers living, working or interested in Asia.
ArtisanCamThis website is packed with features including classroom activities, workshops, superb video footage, masterclasses and more.
The Drawing Center Viewing ProgramEstablished in 1977, The Drawing Center’s Viewing Program offers emerging artists the opportunity to include their work in a curated Artist Registry that is consulted by a wide variety of arts professionals from across the globe: curators, gallerists, collectors, and educators, among others.
School Arts MagazineFind online resources and teaching ideas. Several have been featured here.
Art, Books, and Creativityis a yearlong arts curriculum developed by the National Museum of Women in the Arts. ABC provides meaningful arts learning experiences while highlighting the natural connections between visual arts and language arts. ABC is a model for integrating the visual arts into the core curriculum while maintaining a specific focus on the contributions of women artists to our shared cultural history.The ABC curriculum promotes visual literacy by developing students' skills in observation, reflection, and arts creation. The curriculum unites visual art and writing through the creation of artists' books, an art form especially suited to linking imagery and language.
45 Websitesfor students to create original artwork online.
Creativity 2.0Have a look at this wiki for web 2.0 tools to use for mapping, document tools, imaging and drawing, audio, film/video/animation, collaboration, screencasting and capturing and presentation.
Specific Web 2.0 Resources for Arts EducatorsLooking for ways to add Web 2.0 content to your wiki? Just interested in finding cool ideas? This page will be devoted to items "of interest" to arts educators. Feel free to add items of your own. Try out some of the tools below. If you find one you think others should know about and try, feel free to use the discussion tab at the top of this page to post your raves (or rants) for others to read.
Best & Free Art iPad AppsTopAppReviews101.com offers a wide range of iPad Art Applications which are certainly full-featured with sketchbooks, photography and much more.
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