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Units and Curriculum

Page history last edited by Frank Curkovic 12 years, 4 months ago



Units and Curriculum for Elementary


Units and Curriculum for MS and HS


Integrated Lesson Plans via A Lifetime of Colour


Short Art Projects


Inquiry with Art: Classroom Trouble-shooting Tips

Inquiry is a learned skill. It can bring energy and excitement to your classroom, but it can also be difficult to conduct on your first or second try. On this page, we address several common difficulties that first-time inquiry users encounter. Each troubleshooting tip is framed as a question and possible solution and is accompanied by a video demo and a transcript of the video.


Spiral Art Education and check out the sister site too.


Promising Practices for a Choice-Based Approach to Art Education


IssueLab - Arts Education

This special collection of Arts Education case studies and evaluations reveals the lessons, benefits, and pitfalls of existing and past projects, providing vital information for program staff at organizations running their own Arts Education projects. These reports also serve as a valuable complement to existing collections of position and policy papers on the subject, available through sources like PubHub, who has shared some of their own collection on the topic with us for this CloseUp.

(Thanks to The Carrot Revolution for the tip)


Discussing Art




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